Chickamauga Lock Replacement Project – Chattanooga, TN
The Chickamauga Lock in Chattanooga, TN is vital to the shipment of goods and connects 318 miles of navigable river upstream of the Chickamauga Dam with the Ohio River System and the Gulf of Mexico. Roughly one million tons of goods are shipped through the lock each year. By 2060, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Navigation Center estimates that approximately 11.3 million tons of goods will be shipped through yearly. This project included the replacement of a 110-foot by 600-foot navigation lock to be located downstream of the dam and riverward of the existing lock. The United States Army Corp of Engineers awarded the construction of this project to Heeter Geotechnical Construction. Heeter hired Sauls Seismic to be the Seismic Specialist as well as to complete the preblast inspections and vibration monitoring. Preblast inspections were conducted on the existing lock, dam, nearby bridges, and other surrounding structures. Sauls performed ambient monitoring prior to blasting to establish background levels of existing vibrations in the area before also monitoring the blasting on the project. In total, Sauls monitored a total of 24 seismograph locations throughout the project. The Sauls Seismic NOW AccessSM website was utilized throughout the project to notify project management of vibration alerts. A combination text/email alert system was set up to send notifications for both alert and action levels of vibration.
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Project Details
- Project Name : Chickamauga Lock Replacement Project – Chattanooga, TN
- Sauls Seismic, LLC
2879 Alton Way Birmingham, Alabama USA 35210 - (866) 527-2477