Technicians gather to share best practices that optimize performance surrounding environmental and safety services.
Over 25 of Sauls Seismic’s technicians traveled to Greenville, KY for their annual Best Practices Workshop (BPW). Each year this event has a different focus that dramatically enhances safety and efficiency. The basis of the 2019 BPW was to train employees on the third version (V3) of our NOW Access website which securely collects, stores and transmits data to our clients in a more mobile-friendly manner. The afternoon session consisted of Sauls’ automated environmental monitoring services and lightning detection system.
“I thought it was an overall good experience. I feel V3 of NOW Access is more user-friendly and the presenters did well delivering instruction,” said Terry Hatter, Area Manager over Kentucky and Missouri.
Hosted by the Kentucky National Guard’s 238th Regional Training Institute (CA), we were granted additional courtesies normal attendees would not have, including access to WiFi in their auditorium.
Evening held time for camaraderie with an impromptu cookout, basketball, and music from some of the Sauls team.
Future workshops will continue to promote best practices for safety and health, seismic/environmental monitoring, and time-tested field practices so that Sauls Seismic can better serve our clients across the nation as efficiently as possible.