Consulting Services

Our staff includes a wide variety of industry professionals combined with hundreds of years of experience to provide the service you need.

Why is Consulting Important?

Sometimes specifications require it, sometimes the situation dictates it, simply put sometimes a third-party is necessary.


How Does Consulting Work?

For over four decades, Sauls has provided creative solutions to suit our clients’ needs. With backgrounds including engineering, geology, environmental science, regulatory enforcement, blasting, inspecting, and more we can help with almost any project or situation. Consulting services include:

Professional Engineers can be required in the permitting of new mines (blast impact analysis, noise study, dust study, public meetings), damage claim investigations, as blast/vibration consultants, for vibration analysis, to meet certain construction project specifications, and for training/public relations programs.

Getting approval to open a new mine/quarry or even start a new construction project can be a difficult task. With years of experience in public relations, meetings, and education, we can help you manage some of the obstacles in your path.

Some common consulting services for green site development include Blast Plan Review/Certification, Blast Impact Analysis, Monitoring Plans, Public Meetings, and Specification Preparation. Our Environmental Services can provide additional support addressing noise, dust, water quality, and flow issues. Once the permit is approved, we can provide Preblast Inspections, Vibration Monitoring, and Environmental Monitoring

Construction and blasting activities are often blamed for damage to structures in the area. With years of experience investigating damage claims, our experts can document alleged damage and analyze blasting data to provide a thorough report with our professional opinion. 

Often additional vibration monitoring and displacement monitoring help paint a much clearer picture. Additional steps can include Professional Engineering Services, Engineers Review of Existing Report and Expert Legal Testimony.  With our vast knowledge of the effects of blasting and vibration and our ever-expanding library of reference material, we are prepared to address virtually any situation.

Some projects demand an independent consultant to put an extra set of eyes on the blasting and/or vibration monitoring operations. Through the years our experienced personnel have provided consulting services on a variety of high-profile projects including the Kentucky Lock Addition and Downstream Monoliths, Chickamauga Lock Replacement, and the Lower Olentangy Tunnel.

From monitoring and reporting to storing and analyzing, seismograph data is our specialty. Beyond the basics of addressing regulatory compliance, we know a few things about getting more information from vibration data. We use our experience to help gain better understanding of a blast/vibration event.

From a basic  Waveform or Regression Analysis to more advanced services like Signature Hole Analysis or Sonic/Seismic Velocity Testing let us help get the most out of your data.

Whether it’s for an industry event, in-house training, or a public meeting, educating others on blasting vibrations and how they impact communities is one of the most important things we do. We combine years of experience, training, and education to develop the right approach to educating any group on the topics we know.

In some instances, we are not involved in an investigation or study until after a report has already been prepared. If the conclusions of the report are in question or there is a need for additional credibility, we can have a Professional Engineer provide a full review of the existing report.

We provide professional personnel with extensive experience in blasting and vibrations for expert witness testimony.

We can review the blast plan to make recommendations regarding vibrations and impact to neighbors. We’ll analyze shot design, safety plan, monitoring, and inspection plan and offer basic vibration and air overpressure predictions. When required, we can provide a Professional Engineer to stamp the plan.

 A site-specific report to analyze the blast plan’s impact on nearby structures. We compare it to both established damage criteria and relevant regulations, validating that your operations can be performed safely.

We collect blast data to provide a statistical evaluation of existing vibration data from a project that produces a site-specific vibration prediction formula.  

A detailed plan of what structures are going to be monitored on a project along with information on specific installation methods, data collection, data storage, and relevant guidelines to be followed.

Use our expertise to help prepare site-specific project specifications regarding blasting, vibrations, and air overpressure.

Record a signature hole blast waveform and use state-of-the-art software to simulate future waveforms and make timing pattern recommendations for future blasts. 

Set up an array of seismographs at high sample rates to measure the site-specific sonic velocity. This helps determine the best type of explosives to use as well as help obtain the most accurate results from a signature hole analysis.

Review waveform results from blasts to provide an analysis regarding any irregularities or anything unforeseen in results.

Provide an independent assessment of blasting records and record keeping system so that you are well prepared to defend yourself through any litigation.

As third-party consultants, Sauls Seismic has the credibility and experience to address issues of concern to the community surrounding your project.

Who Do We Serve?

Public relations solutions are utilized by our clients in Mining, Quarries, and Construction industries to help minimize concerns. Visit our applications page to learn more.


Vibration and environmental monitoring for mining to document compliance and optimize blasting activities at mines and quarries.


Vibration and environmental monitoring for projects to document construction activities.

Visit our applications page to learn more about how clients use our services.

About Us

Why Use Sauls Seismic

Sauls Seismic has four decades of monitoring and recording experience. In those years, we have worked on a broad range of projects in many diverse venues.



We offer remote monitoring services, which are constantly updated for the latest technology.


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